F. Paganelli, S. Turchi, D. Giuli Web of Things framework for Smart Cities applications
IEEE Systems Journal, submitted
S. Turchi, F. Paganelli, D. Giuli A lightweight Linked Data implementation for modeling the Web of Things
1st International IEEE Workshop on Pervasive Systems for Smart Cities (submited)
Luis Muñoz Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Smart Cities – Trends & Technologies
José A. Galache SmartSantander: A playground towards M2M/IoT standardization
BEREC Machine 2 Machine Workshop
Joao Fernandes et al. SmartSantander presentation at Energy Efficiency and Smart City Days
Luis Muñoz SmartSantander
16th European Annual Conference of Local Public Enterprises
Joao Fernandes et al. Smart Santander - Horizon2020 Conference
Horizon2020 Conference
José M. Hernández-Muñoz, Luis Muñoz SmartSantander - An industrial appoach to the SmartCity paradigm
Telefónica Industry Analysts Event on SmartCities
José M. Hernández-Muñoz The SmartSantander Project - Nuevos horizontes
UDD Chile - Telefonica Workshop
C. Samaras, A. Vakali, M. Giatsoglou, D. Chatzakou, L. Angelis Requirements and architecture design principles for a smart city experiment with sensor and social networks integration
ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, 17th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2013), Special Session in Real World Internet (RWI)
Katerina Diamantaki, Charalampos Rizopoulos, Vasileios Tsetsos, Iouliani Theona, Dimitris Charitos and Nikos Kaimakamis Integrating game elements for increasing engagement and enhancing User Experience in a smart city context Constructing Urban Intelligence Workshop,
9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments IE13 16-19 July 2013

Evangelos Theodoridis, Georgios Mylonas and Ioannis Chatzigiannakis Developing an IoT Smart City Framework
UCMC: Urban Computing & Modern Cities
José A. Galache, Verónica Gutiérrez, Juan R. Santana, Luis Sánchez, Pablo Sotres, Javier Casanueva, Luis MuñozSmartSantander: A joint service provision facility and experimentation-oriented testbed, within a smart city environment
Future Network & Mobile Summit 2013

Dave Coplin Big data deluge can change the world
F. Paganelli, S. Cuomo, S. Turchi, R. Billero - A Web of Sensors approach for integrating and exploiting sensors data in Smart Cities (SmartSantander EU Project)
Special Session on “Smart Cities” - 2013 GTTI (National Telecommunications and Information Theory Group) Annual meeting, Ancona, 24-26 june 2013
Luis Sanchez , Veronica Gutierrez,Jose A Galache, Pablo Sotres, Juan Ramón Santana,Javier Casanueva , Luis Muñoz
SmartSantander: Experimentation and Service Provision in the Smart City
Global Wireless Summit
M. Nati and A. Gluhak and H. Abangar and W. Headley SmartCampus: A user- centric testbed for Internet of Things experimentation
Proc. of the 16th IEEE In- ternational Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications

UC, UniS Papers at WPMC
Luis Sánchez Rutgers University seminar on SmartSantander deployment and platform
A. Vakali, E. Angelis and M. Giatsoglou Sensors talk and humans sense towards a reciprocal collective awareness smart city framework IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013: IEEE ICC'13 - Workshop on Beyond Social Networks: Collective Awareness ('ICC'13 - IEEE ICC'13 - Workshop BSN:CA')
Turchi, S., Bianchi, L., Paganelli, F., Pirri, F., Giuli, D Towards a web of sensors built with linked data and REST,
IEEE 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2013
Luis Muñoz and Verónica Gutiérrez High-Tech Sensors Help Old Port City Leap Into Smart Future
José M. Hernández Muñoz SmartSantander: Scientific challenges and advances in the urban environment WoWMoM. IEEE IoT-SoS 2013 Key Note "SmartSantander: Scientific challenges and advances in the urban environment"
A. Vakali, D. Chatzakou, V. Koutsonikola, G. Andreadis Social data sentiment analysis in smart environments - extending dual polarities for crowd pulse capturing 2nd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2013)
I.Chatzigiannakis, G.Mylonas and E.Theodoridis Future Internet Experimentation on a City Scale - The SmartSantander project Evangelos Theodoridis, Georgios Mylonas and Ioannis Chatzigiannakis Hybrid City II
Angel Ibeas Portilla,Borja Alonso Oreña Mobility management in real time V CiViNET Spain-Portugal Forum (Santander) 24-25 May 2013
Luis Muñoz, José A. Galache, Luis Sánchez, Verónica Gutiérrez, Jose M. Hernández, all Hands on FIRE. FIA Event FIA Event
Yee Wei Law, Zheng Gong, Tie Luo, Slaven Marusic, and Marimuthu Palaniswami Comparative Study of Multicast Authentication Schemes with Application to Wide-Area Measurement System 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013)

Verónica Gutiérrez, José A. Galache, Luis Sánchez, Luis Muñoz, Jose M. Hernández, Joao Fernandes, Mirko Presser SmartSantander: Internet of Things Research and Innovation through Citizen Participation Future Internet Assembly 2013

Luis Muñoz Santander claims title as Europe's "smartest" city
Jose A. Galache, Pablo Sotres, Juan R. Santana, Veronica Gutierrez, Luis Sanchez and Luis Muñoz A Living Smart City: Dynamically Changing Nodes Behavior Through Over the Air Programming International Workshop Pervasive Internet of Things and Smart Cities (PITSaC), in conjunction with AINA-2013 International IEEE Conference.
Santander: A Digital Smart City Prototype in Spain External : Marco Evers
Jaroslaw Domaszewicz and Spyros Lalis Soft Actuation: Concept and Challenges 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
José Antonio Galache, Iñigo de la Serna Santander: Smart City
Yee Wei Law, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Gina Koung, and Anthony Lo WAKE: Key Management Scheme for Wide-Area Measurement Systems in Smart Grid
Luis Muñoz SmartSantander
IoT forum 2012
Luis Muñoz SmartSantander
Smart city expo world congress

R. Pozza, A. Gluhak and M. Nati SmartEye: An energy-efficient Observer Platform for Internet of Things Testbeds 7th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Characterization, WINTECH 2012

Luis Sanchez, Rajiv Ramdhany, Alex Gluhak, Srdjan Krco, Evangelos Theodoridis, Dennis Pfisterer, Luis Muñoz; Jose A Galache, Pablo Sotres, Juan R Santana, Veronica Gutierrez e: SmartSantander: IoT Experimentation over a Smart City Testbed

Andrea Piras, Davide Carboni, Antonio Pintus A Web Platform To Collect, Manage And Share Heterogeneous Sensor Data First Italian Conference on Sensors

Michele Nati, Alexander Gluhak, Hamidreza Abangar and Stefan Meissner A Framework for Resource Selection in Internet of Things Testbeds TRIDENTCOM 2012
Li-Hsing Yen, Yee Wei Law, and Marimuthu Palaniswami Risk-Aware Distributed Beacon Scheduling for Tree-Based ZigBee Wireless Networks IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

Andrea Piras, Davide Carboni, Antonio Pintus and Privacy (RFIDsec 2011) A Platform to Collect, Manage and Share Heterogeneous Sensor Data International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS) - 2012

Zheng Gong, Svetla Nikova, and Yee Wei Law KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers 7th Workshop on RFID Security and Privacy (RFIDsec 2011)

Jose A. Galache, Juan R. Santana, Verónica Gutiérrez, Luis Sánchez, Pablo Sotres y Luis Muñoz Towards Experimentation-Service duality within a Smart City scenario The 9th International Conference onWireless On-demand Network Systems and Services: WONS 2012
Stevan Jokić, Srdjan Krčo, Jelena Vučković, Nenad Gligorić, Dejan Drajić Evaluation of an XML Database Based Resource Directory Performance Telfor

Gluhak, A., Krco, S., Nati, M., Pfisterer, D., Mitton, N., Razafindralambo, T. A survey on facilities for experimental internet of things research IEEE Communications Magazine
Christine Hennebert and Vincent Berg A Framework of Deployment Strategy for Hierarchical WSN Security Management SETOP'2011
Hans Schaffers, Annika Sällström, Marc Pallot, José M. Hernández-Muñoz, Roberto Santoro, Brigitte Trousse Integrating Living Labs with Future Internet Experimental Platforms for Co-creating Services within Smart Cities ICE 2011 - 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising

06/06/2011 |
Luis Sanchez, José Antonio Galache, Veronica Gutierrez, José Manuel Hernandez, Jesús Bernat, Alex Gluhak, Tomás Garcia SmartSantander: The meeting point between Future Internet research and experimentation and the smart cities IST Future Networks & Mobile Summit Poland, Warsaw, 2011
Jesus Bernat SmartSantander : the path towards the smart city vision ETSI M2M Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010

Jesús Bernat, Jose Manuel Hernandez, Luis Alfonso Hernandez, Alfonso Tierno An Experimental Platform for large-scale research facing FI-IoT scenarios Future Network Mobile Summit 2011 |

Luis Sanchez SmartSantander: Experimenting The Future Internet in the City of the Future PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010

28/09/2010 |
Srdjan Krco SmartSantander - A smart city example ICT event 2010, Brussels, Belgium, 2010

José M. Hernández-Muñoz, Jesus Bernat Vercher, Luis Muñoz, José A. Galache, Mirko Presser, Luis A. Hernández Gómez, and Jan Pettersson Smart Cities at the forefront of the Future Internet FIA Book 2011 |
