Participatory Sensing Application
In this scenario, users utilize their mobile phones to send physical sensing information, e.g. GPS coordinates, compass, environmental data such as noise, temperature, etc. This information is fed to the SmartSantander platform. Users can also subscribe to services such as “the pace of the city”, where they can get alerts for specific types of events currently occurring in the city. Users can also themselves report the occurrence of such events, which will subsequently be propagated to other users who have subscribed to the respective type of events, etc.
The users receive the notifications on the occurred events via a smartphone application, SMS and e-mails in the preferred language.
All users interested in receiving the notifications have to register with the service thereby defining their personal profile (including e.g. the preferred language) and selecting the information they are interested to. This subscription can be done via a web interface. If the Council wants to provide the service also to users without web access, it can provide a phone number of a help desk to be called in order to subscribe to the service with operator support.