ComNet-IoT 2014
The Third International Workshop on Computing and Networking for Internet of Things (ComNet-IoT 2014)
The ITS experiments of the 2nd Open Call are presented to the Greek community of transportation engineers
The MITOS experiments, as well as the existing infrastructure of SmartSantander, are presented to the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers through their quarterly newsletter magazine. Mobics published an article titled "Transportation Experiments in the Smart City Santander" in the latest issue of the newsletter (June-August 2013) describing the MITOS and SMEL experiments to the respective community. The main applications developed, as well as preliminary scientific results are mentioned. Special reference is made to the overall SmartSantander project and its deployed infrastructure.
The related article can be found online at pages 12-16:
Smart cities will need big data
An interesting article by Physics Today
The article can be found at:
FI-WARE and Smart Cities in Santander, October 16-18th
The city of Santander, Spain, will host a 3 day event from October 16th to 18th that will present FI-WARE and FI-Lab to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as the ideal platform to start working on Smart City projects. There will be information sessions, conferences and a new Hackathon dedicated to Smart City applications!
SmartSantander at Senzations 2013
SmartSantander at Senzations 2013