The 3rd FIRE Newsletter is now available at:


FIRE STATION: 3rd Newsletter is available

It opens with an introduction from the new Deputy Head of Unit, Manuel Monteiro, and then summarises the past and future events of relevance for our community.

Reports from past events include the FIRE activities in the Future Internet Conference Week (13-17 December) in Ghent, the FIRE Architecture Board meeting on 8 February and the Open Call "Information day" on 9 February.

Announcements of future events include:

  • An invitation to shape the future FIRE activities in FP8,
  • Opportunities to explore collaboration with Canada and China,
  • The FIA-Budapest Conference Week on 16-20 May (including a FIRE

Research Workshop on 16 May and Proposers Days for ICT Calls 8&  9, on 19-20 May):

  • The Future Network&  Mobile Summit in Warsaw on 15-17 June,
  • News items from OFELIA, PARADISO and N4C,
  • An invitation to contribute to the FIA "Roadmap for Research (2014 - 2020)".

Note that the "FIRE Research Workshop" on 16 May in Budapest is oriented this time towards the FIRE STREP projects and how they plan to use the Experimental facilities provided by the IPs. The programme for the day is being built through the new FIRE community wiki feature at: . Please participate.

There will also be a FIRE session in the FIA Conference on 18 May, which will focus on the LivingLabs and Smart Cities activities.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

The team of the FIRE STATION Support Action

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